Sunday, November 7, 2010

fallout New Vegas

hey so i rented the game Fallout New vegas its pretty cool. the only thing i don't like is the loading it happens to much and at the begin was very short but as i progressed through the game it got longer and longer i hope they fix it cause its starting to get really annoying lol.I returned it today and am already having fall out withdrawal lol so i put in some fallout three to get my fix .i defiantly wana buy this game though it so addicting .

Monday, November 1, 2010

well i haven't updated this in a minute so i thought i should . Last was Halloween so we decided to go out to a local haunt . Some guy in Goshen was like a serial killer and we went to his abandoned house and it was kinda cool not to scary though .Then on the way back Pat's truck freaking ran out of gas and we had to go find a gas station. .When we got back we watched the new series on AMC The Walking Dead it was awesome .The night was great up till the part when i wanted to go to bed night i didn't sleep at all except for like maybe 2 hours that's why I'm feeling crudy right now well I'm off to take a nap.